Modernity is black and white. At least I thought so in the past, when considering the uncompromising architecture of Bauhaus and its radical, rational positions. With the renovation of the Bauhaus masters’ houses in Dessau after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the widespread idea of a black-and-white Bauhaus avant-garde turned out to be totally wrong. Instead of a reduction to reverse colors, the architecture of the houses revealed multiple colors: in particular, the semi-detached houses of Wassily Kandinsky and Paul Klee displayed a fireworks of many different tonalities. The Bauhaus masters’ houses at Burgkühnauer Allee, not far from the famous school building in Dessau, were built in 1925/26 by Walter Gropius, who was the director of the institution at the time. Situated in a spruce grove, the villa was part of a settlement including four exemplary houses that were built manifestos for the functional and sober architecture of the modern movement. But under the many layers of gray plaster that compromised the architectural structure and interiors over the years, conservators discovered a multiplicity of painted walls and details with luminous and muted colors....

Text: Sandra Hofmeister





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Dr. Sandra Hofmeister

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