25. February 2016
4 pm
Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich – Auditorium

International  Architektur and Design Symposium

Architecture and design are processes with several participants. But where does the proces start and where does it end? How is involved, what are the conditions and who makes a profit in the end? The invited architectes and desighers from the Netherlands and from Germany will raise those questions concentraiting on their experiences and dels-concepts. Wile keeping an eye on the varying precoditions and definitions of the disciplines, the discussion will focus on European common ground and local cultureal differences that are rooted in the varying definitions and values of architecture and design.

Jorre van Ast, Caro Baumann, Michael Geldmacher, Annette Land, Pieter Streurs, Eline Srijkers, Friederike Daumiller, Job Floris, Peter Haimerl, Stefan Hanninger, Inneke Hans, Renny Ramakers

Sandra Hofmeister, Mathieu Wellner


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Dr. Sandra Hofmeister

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