Hella Jongerius,
I don't Have a Favourite Colour, Creating the Vitra Colour & Material Library, Gestalten, Berlin 2016

Introduction Alice Rawsthorn
Authors Hella Jongerius with Sander Manse
Editor Lucas Verweij
Critique Louise Schouwenberg
Copy editors Sandra Hofmeister, Julia Thorson
Research Sander Manse and Stine Liv Buur
Art direction Hella Jongerius with Salem van der Swaagh
Design concept and layout Anja Lutz // Book Design
Typeface Brezel Grotewque
Photography Labadie / can Tour (unless credited otherwise in the photo index)

Copyright 2016 Vitra, the authors, the photographers
Copyright 2016 gestalten

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Dr. Sandra Hofmeister

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