Fotos: © Sieveking Verlag, Martin Schlüter, 2014


Martin Schlüter's hiddeen spaces

For 60 years, the German Intelligence Service, aka Bundesnachrichtendienst, was located in Pullach, a quiet residential quarter in Munich. The area comprised of 64 hectares and contained schools, shops, and hairdressing and tailoring facilities. The whole zone turned into a secret city within a city. Employees and their families were not registered in Munich’s public records – nobody was allowed to know who worked in the secret zone of the BND. Some of the buildings in the area had been constructed by the Nazis as residential complexes for their elite, others were added in the 1950s and 70s. Parts of the zone will soon be demolished, as there is no more use for the buildings now that the employees have been relocated to a new headquarters in Berlin...

Text: Sandra Hofmeister


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Dr. Sandra Hofmeister

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