A card game for archilovers: The DETAILx2 set of cards showcases theatres and opera houses, concert halls and open-air stages. A total of 32 spectacular buildings around the world are presented in photos and designs. The aim is to find the right pair and match the correct floor plan or profile to the corresponding photo. Included are architectural icons such as the Elbphilharmonie by Herzog & de Meuron, the Guangzhou Opera House by Zaha Hadid and the Copenhagen Concert Hall by Atelier Jean Nouvel. All international theatre structures have been completed in the past 10 years – and their architecture documented in detail.

The card game gets the brain cells going and reveals the pros among architecture fans: Who knows which opera house? Who can recognise a concert hall by its floor plan? Which profile matches which photo? To level the playing field, we’ve included an overview poster that includes all the theatre structures along with a brief project description. Have fun playing!

- Memory game for fans of architecture and culture
- Set of cards with 32 international architectural icons
- Which photo matches which floor plan or profile?
- Who knows the most spectacular opera houses, concert halls and open-air theatres?

Sandra Hofmeister (ed),
64 cards
Drawings and photos
card size 9 x 9 cm (box 9,7 x 19,4 cm)
English / German
In a cardboard box

ISBN: 978-3-95553-500-1

Edition DETAIL, Munich 2019

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Dr. Sandra Hofmeister

Veterinärstr. 9
80539 München


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DE 97 383 504 163

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