With a room height of 2.5 m, the modular cabins are oriented to maximum dimensions where planning permission is not required in London. Daylight is scattered about the small ­ internal space by transparent, corrugated polycarbonate ­ sheeting. The untreated multiplex-birch modular walls consist of insert panels. With writing surfaces, shelving and mirrors, various office functions can be accommodated to meet users’ needs. The modules of the small structures are manufactured by Boano Prišmontas in Hackney, London, preassembled and ­ delivered in flat-packs. Each basic unit consists of 12–20 prefabricated individual elements and can be transported by two ­ people – even through narrow building entrances – and erected in a single day. The simple disassembly that is possible allows office cabins to be taken apart, transported flexibly to other ­ locations and used again. In a high-quality variation, insulation and glazed openings are foreseen.

Boano Prišmontas developed “My Room in the Garden”, as they call their do-it-yourself project, during the first lockdown. With a cost of about €5,500 for the small basic unit, they promise companies and private purchasers that their aim is to extend dwelling and working areas quickly and in an uncomplicated

Text: Sandra Hofmerister

Full article and German version: DETAIL 3.2021

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Dr. Sandra Hofmeister

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