Sports Facilities

Leisure and Movement in Urban Space | Construction and Objectives

The book presents current sports buildings, which stand out for the quality of their construction, their integration into the urban context, and their objectives. Sport today means lifestyle and fun and is associated with joining an association and social inclusion as well as with individualization and health awareness.

The spectrum of examples from all over Europe ranges from school gyms to urban open spaces that can be used by anyone at any time. The visibility and presence of spatial forms for activities such as skateboarding, jogging or fitness today are radically different from the gyms of the past, providing rich and aesthetic contributions to their surroundings.

- Documentations of exemplary sports buildings and their details
- European architectural examples

Sports Facilities

ed. by Sandra Hofmeister, with essays by Sandra Hofmeister, Roland Pawlitschko, Jakob Schoof,
208 pages with numerous photos, plans and construction drawings
Format 32 x 23 cm
English and German Version
ISBN: 978-3-95553-496-7




Publisher Title Type Year

Dr. Sandra Hofmeister

Veterinärstr. 9
80539 München


VAT identification number:
DE 97 383 504 163




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