Foster + Partners are one of the best-known and most influential planning offices in the world. Founded by Norman Foster in London in 1967, the office has been synonymous with high-tech architecture and pioneering projects in urban planning, engineering and design for more than five decades. The monograph presents 12 selected exciting recent works. They range from smaller buildings such as the vineyard near Bordeaux to large-scale projects such as the Lusail Towers in Qatar. Construction details and axonometries, sketches, photos and texts reflect the great structural expertise of Foster + Partners. In interviews and essays, companions of the office founder speak. Readers are thus given an insight into the Foster + Partners think tank and creative factory as well as its complex planning and construction processes. ‘Building must be a catalyst for positive environmental change’ is the corporate philosophy of Norman Foster and his partners. Their tools have always been interdisciplinarity, creativity and an unwavering curiosity for the unknown. The results are high-tech constructions and architectures that make history.

Foster + Partners. Architecture and Construction Details, Sandra Hofmeister (ed), 168 pages, Text: English, Edition Detail, Munich 2024







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