Light, Shadow and Space
Three Case Studies on the Effect of Light in Architecture

Color, light and movement: After years of preparation, Lazlo Moholy Nagy achieged his vision in 1930, finally creating the "Light Space Modulator", a piece of equipment designed to give demonstrations of phenomena related to light and movement. The kinetic sculpture combined the artistic ideas of the Bauhaus master, and was shown as a lighting prop in the exhibition held by the German Werkbund in Paris. As if by magic, the "modulator" turns, consisting as it does of individual pieces of sheet metal with varying openings and shapes. Yellow, blue, red and clear light bulbs cast outlines and shadwos on the wall. shapes that rear up, overlap, and flit across the surface, whereby the shapes and contours change as they move. Lazlo Moholy-Nagy's sculpture reveals the linkages between light and shadow, spave and surfaces, and was one of the first exhibition opjects to have symbolized light by using is as a genuine creative material....

in: Lughting Up the Future, The Emergence of OLED
Trademark Publishing, Frankfurt am Main 2014

Text: Sandra Hofmeister


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Dr. Sandra Hofmeister

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