Barcelona is a vibrant hotbed of forward-looking architecture and urban planning. The Catalan metropolis is home to more bold concepts for climate adaptation and urban coexistence than almost anywhere else in Europe. The book highlights some of the most exciting structures built in Barcelona since 2010, bringing readers on a guided tour of surprising residential buildings, intriguing museums and extraordinary community spaces. The projects, including many additions to existing buildings, are documented with photos, floor plans and texts. Supplementary interviews introduce readers to key players in Barcelona’s architectural scene, while essays shed light on little-known aspects of the city’s urban development and transport planning.

Barcelona, Urban Architecture and Community Since 2010
Barcelona, Urbane Architektur und Gemeinschaft seit 2010
ed by Heide Wessely, Sandra Hofmeister, Softcover, Edition Detail 2023, English and German Version, ISBN: 978-3-95553-607-7






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