Conditions by Dorte Mandrup. Photo: Adam Mork

Experience Greenland: Exhibition at the Architecture Biennale in Venice

The installation "Conditions" by Dorte Mandrup presents the model for a visitor centre in Greenland’s Ilulissat Icefjord. The Danish architectural firm Dorte Mandrup won the competition for the building project two years ago.

Extreme cold, wind, snow and ice are part of everyday life in Greenland. These extreme conditions have influenced the design of the visitor centre in the Ilulissat Icefjord, a glacier landscape that was declared a Unesco World Heritage Site in 2004. Basing the “Conditions” installation on this building project, Dorte Mandrup brings a bit of Greenland to the main exhibition of this year’s Venice Architecture Biennale. Two years ago, the Danish architectural firm Dorte Mandrup won the closed competition. It will be another two years before the Icefjord Centre near the coastal town of Ilulissat welcomes nature-loving visitors and climate researchers to this distinctive venue.

Text: Sandra Hofmeister

Detail #7/8 2018

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