Photo: Edward Beierle


The old farmhouse near Schedlberg in the Bavarian Forest is the latest architectural intervention of the Munich-based architect Peter Haimerl – and an attempt to save a dying building tradition. Using a daring design, the architect brought the centuries-old farmhouse back to life.
This book documents the Schedlberg-project in a special way. With large images of the building, including designs and descriptive texts, the architecture of the house and its history is explained and illustrated. The artist duo of Edward Beierle and Jutta Görlich uses an associative series of photos to show the special location of the house at the edge of the forest, as well as the mysterious state of the house before its reconstruction, thereby bringing its history to life with imaginary fragments.

Peter Haimerl, beierle.goerlich
Sandra Hofmeister (ed)

96 pages with numerous illustrations
25 x 22,5cm
ISBN: 978-3-95553-472-1
Edition Detail, 2019

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Dr. Sandra Hofmeister

Veterinärstr. 9
80539 München


VAT identification number:
DE 97 383 504 163

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